
Brand marketing through social media is great news for businesses and brands, and the best part is that brands big and small can benefit from it. Once you know the numbers, it’s easy to see why business and consumer marketers almost unanimously believe social media is essential to building a brand. So when it comes to your social media brand, it’s crucial to think about it and dedicate resources.

Brand awareness is cited as a top priority for marketers, and social media channels are a one-to-many solution to getting awareness of your products and services. By creating a solid brand presence on social media, you can reach a wider audience.

What is the Branding?

What is the Branding_

Branding is not limited to the logo. It’s not about being a multi-million dollar business either. A brand is how people perceive your product, your business, or even you as a person. The goal of branding is to ensure the perception is what you want it to be. Even if you’re not actively marketing your brand, that perception will still exist or, worse, not exist, so it’s up to you to shape how you want people to feel.

What do you Want your Brand to Achieve?

It’s human nature for people to like you, but liking doesn’t always translate to sales. Be clear about your brand goals, which can help you gauge your brand-building success later.

Here Are Examples Of Brand Goals

  • Increase awareness of your product or service
  • Generate business through new leads
  • Sales increase
  • Increase customer loyalty
  • Provide a superior level of customer service

How you Create a Strong Brand Identity?

Before you do anything else, you want to define your brand. People are expose to so many brand stories that emerged are the ones we immediately understand. Unfortunately, we often use the uplift pitch to simplify complex thoughts. So imagine sitting in an elevator and trying to convince someone to engage with your brand by answering these three questions:

  • What is your brand name?
  • What is your brand about?
  • makes your brand different?

If it took lengthier than 15 seconds to respond, go back and repeat the exercise. Social media is not a place for long discussions like an elevator meeting. Understand it and make it short.

Brand Rules in Social Networks

Brand Rules in Social Networks

  • You don’t have to be on all channels. It is better to choose one and do well. If you can get three, great, but don’t dilute your lineup by being too prevalent.
  • You don’t need thousands of followers. Ten subscribers who buy your product are better than 1000 subscribers who don’t buy your product. So don’t get confused by follower numbers.
  • Post frequently. If you’re not posting, you’re not visible, so focus on the frequency.

Now you know your brand, what you want to achieve, and also the basic rules. Here are some conducts you can build your brand on social media.

Be Consistent Across All Social Media Platforms

Building a brand doesn’t happen overnight; it takes time and dedication. For example, according to Brand channel, Nike has taken 15 years to focus on maintaining “360 delivery.” This ensured brand consistency across all products, advertising, customer service, and packaging.

Your brand profile on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, your company blog, and wherever it appears should be unified and consistent with your brand identity. Be compatible with graphics, color, style, language, and also even posting frequency.

Design a Logo that Demonstrates the Philosophy of the Brand

A successful logo is the anchor of a brand, and also its design should represent the philosophy of a brand. Therefore it allows those unfamiliar with your brand to immediately understand what you mean. Think about what your brand does and doesn’t represent, and incorporate it into the design.

Wear Colors that Make a Statement

Color can add personality and meaning to a brand, as shown in the graphic above. In addition, the use of striking colours can help a brand attract its target audience. Be sure to use consistent colors across all media platforms, online and offline, to ensure a uniform and professional appearance.

Know your Tone of Voice and Writing Style of your Brand

Your product or service and your audience demographics determine a brand’s voice and style on social media. First, think of the brand as a person and think about what kind of language you would use. Then, try to describe this person in terms of age, gender, interests, and personality, as this will help you visualize how they would speak.

Social Media Explorer’s Stephanie Schwab’s helpful guide to finding your brand voice outlines several additional factors:

  • Make it clear to subscribers what and how the brand will communicate online. For example, is your brand bold and irreverent or severe and formal?
  • What kind of language will your brand use online? For example, a young, hip brand might get away with more jargon, or a niche brand might use more acronyms and industry-specific language.
  • Identify the main reason the brand is on social media? Is your goal to educate or entertain?

Tell a Compelling Story

Who doesn’t like a good story? Storytelling remains at the heart of human existence. Telling a story can have a powerful, engaging effect, as it engages the listener to transform the story into their idea and also experience it. In the same way, spinning a thread can make a brand or a brand idea more compelling. Engage customers in a brand story, and they will engage.


Social media branding is about consistently using the proper methods to engage your audience on social media platforms. The goal or purpose is to create brand awareness. By harnessing the branding power of social media, you can build a strong network of followers.