Cloud storage is a service that allows you to store data by transferring it over the Internet or another network to an external storage system maintained by a third party. There are hundreds of different cloud storage systems, ranging from personal storage, which stores or backs up a user’s email, photos, videos, and other files, to enterprise storage. Which allows businesses to use cloud storage. The cloud is a business remote backup solution where the company can securely transfer and store data files or share them between locations.

Storage systems are typically scalable to fit the data storage needs of an individual or an organization. Accessible from anywhere, and app-agnostic to provide accessibility from any device. Businesses have three main models to choose from: a public cloud storage service, suitable for unstructured data; a private cloud storage service, which can be protected behind a company firewall for more control over data; and a hybrid cloud storage service, which combines private and public cloud storage services to offer greater flexibility.

Types of Cloud Storage

There are three main kinds of cloud storage. Knowing the differences between each type will help you make better decisions when planning your private cloud storage infrastructure or navigating between different offerings from STaaS providers.

Block Storage

Chunks data into blocks and distributes it across a storage environment based on where it is most efficient to put that data. This type of storage relies on resources that are drawn from hardware to function optimally in a cloud environment. Since this type of data storage allows for quick access, it is suitable for critical data systems and business operations. However, it’s also often on the pricier end compared to other storage options in financial terms.

File Storage

File Storage

Organizes data in a hierarchy into directories with reading and writing capabilities. It’s what most users are used to on their computers, through applications like OneDrive, or the NAS of a small business or home office. A common feature of file storage is that it allows you to create, read, share, and delete files in a simple interface. Data is stored logically, giving users what they need. The downside to this is that the hierarchy becomes more complex and challenging to manage as more data is add. Nevertheless, file storage is ideal when sharing data or making it easily accessible to other users.

Object Storage

With object storage, data is convert into objects and also, assigned meta tags, with which a system can recognize and retrieve it at any time. The object interfaces are not well define, but they scale quickly because you can keep adding data to the environment without limits. Object storage is ideal for unstructured data, such as bulk media files or large data sets.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloud Storage

There is no doubt that the appearance of the cloud has meant a true revolution in the field of computing in many aspects, however, there is still a division between those who prefer physical data storage. Systems, such as hard drives or pen drives, and cloud advocates.

Advantages Of The Cloud Are

  • Savings: as all the software is concentrate in one place, we do not save technical maintenance problems and have to acquire more hardware to store data and also, software to run them.
  • Accessibility: just by having an internet connection we can access our files from anywhere and from any device.
  • Scalability: this means that the system can grow according to the needs of the users so that if at any time we need more space we can expand it.

Regarding the Disadvantages of the Cloud Are

  • It is in this aspect where physical storage media win by a landslide, in cloud computing we have no control over the security of our data as they are controlled by third parties, so they are more vulnerable to cyberattacks.
  • Dependency: we have a total dependence on the Internet to be able to access our files, so if we do not have it, we will not be able to have them.
  • Legal problems: as the information is store on servers anywhere globally, intellectual property conflicts may arise regarding the ownership of the data or permit coverage.

How the Pure Cloud Block Store?

Built on the Pure Storage® Purity operating environment, Pure Cloud Block Store provides advanced data deduplication. Provisioning capabilities, and analytics for your AWS and Microsoft Azure cloud storage.

Pure’s Cloud Block Store especially excels in hybrid cloud storage environments. Pure Cloud Block Store, when combined with Pure as-a-Service™, allows you to run your data storage solutions both in the cloud. And on-premises from a single unified interface.

Imagine the convenience of managing all your data storage solutions through a single streamlined dashboard.

Main Cloud Storage Systems

In a trend in which data increasingly occupies more space, it services have become one of the most demanded, both by companies and individuals. As a result, more and more companies offer these services, both for free and paid. Among the most prominent websites are.

  • Dropbox
  • Mega
  • One Drive
  • Mediafire
  • Google Drive
  • Amazon Drive
  • Sync
  • iCloud

What is Cloud Storage, and What is it For?

Cloud storage from the English cloud storage allows you to store any files in a digital infrastructure. With the convenience of remote administration and backup. Every day, more people and companies keep files in services such as Microsoft Onedrive, Google Docs, or Amazon.


We can see that there is a growing trend towards cloud services. CUDOS proposes an innovative approach with the possibility of providing distributed computing in the cloud in a decentralize manner. Which can be use by many individuals, allowing companies to reduce operating costs. This model is support by blockchain technology, which guarantees an ideal security framework for information processing and also, data storage.