What is Cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity is the set of procedures and gears that are implemente to protect the information that is generate and processed through computers, servers, mobile devices, networks and electronic systems.

According to the experts of the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA), cybersecurity is define as ” a layer of protection for information files “. Also, to refer to cybersecurity, the term computer security or information security is used. electronic information .

One of the objectives of cybersecurity remains to build belief between customers, suppliers and the market in general. In a hyperconnected world, where the greatest of our activities are carried out through the network and electronic devices, guaranteeing the security of operations is a prevailing necessity.

Businesses and world leaders consider cyber attacks one of the main risks and cyber security as their primary challenge.

History of Cybersecurity

The evolution of cybersecurity provides a broader context of how the transformation to the digital world was and the risks that have arisen with this alteration.

The first hacker in history was Nevil Maskelyne. In 1903, he interrupted the first wireless cable transmission, showing the vulnerabilities of this system developed by Marconi.

John Draper was the first cybercriminal known as “Captain Crunch”. Draper discovered that the sound emitted through a whistle that was agreed away in the cereal boxes of “Cap’n Crunch” could fool the signal of the telephone exchange and thus be able to make free calls.

In the 70s, the first malware in history appeared: Creeper, a program that replicated itself. This malware displayed, “I’m a creeper. Catch me if you can!”. The first antivirus called Reaper was born, whose purpose was to eliminate Creeper infections.

With the passing of the years and technical advances, network information increased, and its value and importance for both organizations and cybercriminals.

Different Types of Cyber Security

Different Types of Cyber Security

While cyber security often involves digital protection measures such as antivirus software and user privilege limitations, there are also physical and offline components that can help ensure comprehensive protection against a variety of threats.

Some of the main types of cyber security include: 

Application Security

Prevents data and code for business-critical software (both in use and in development) from being stolen or hijacked, such as with encryption and penetration testing

Information Security

protects physical and digital data from unauthorized access and manipulation, both on-site and through remote systems

Infrastructure Security

Ensures that the structures and facilities you rely on, such as power grids and data centers, have control access and are protect from physical damage or outages

Network Security

Protect internal networks from unauthorized access with tools like remote access management and Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

User Education

Teach employees and customers best practices to avoid cyber threats such as malware and phishing attacks

Examples of Cyber Threats

There are many types of cyber threats: malicious acts that threaten to damage or steal data or disrupt workloads and services. Regardless of style or origin, cyber threats are dangerous to health and business operations.

Some of the more common variations include:


Malware, short for “malicious software,” is an application that aims to cause damage to systems, steal data, gain unauthorized access to networks, or then wreak havoc. It infection remains the most common type of cyber threat. While often use for financial gain, malware is also use as a weapon by nation-states, as a form of protest by hacktivists, or to test a system’s security posture.

It is a collective term and mentions too many variants of malicious software, including:

  • Virus – the most common form of malware. Viruses attach to clean files, replicate themselves, and also,  spread to other files like their biological namesake. They can delete files, forced reboots, join machines to a botnet, or enable remote admission to infected systems.
  • Worms – Similar to viruses, but without the want for a host file. Worms infect structures directly and reside in memory, where they self-replicate and feast on other plans on the network.
  • Backdoors – A stealthy way of bypassing normal authentication or encryption. Attackers use backdoors to secure remote access to infected systems or gain unauthorized access to privileged information. While many backdoors are strictly malicious, deliberate variants can be embed in hardware or operating systems for legitimate purposes, such as restoring access to a user who has forgotten their password.
  • Trojans – Named after the famous wooden horse in the history of the Trojan War. Trojans can disguise themselves as the legitimate application or hide inside one. Then, they discreetly open backdoors to give attackers easy access to infected systems, often allowing other malware to load.

The Importance of Cyber Security

Organizations today face critical challenges regarding cyber security. Data creation, processing, and storage are increasingly done at the edge, increasing operational complexity and making it difficult to track data flows. Meanwhile, artificial intelligence and ever-increasing computing power are widely accessible, allowing cybercriminals to target businesses more effectively. And these criminals are highly motivated, driven by the possibility of multimillion-dollar rewards from companies. That often cannot afford not to pay for the restoration of services or recovery of lost data.

How to Manage Cyber Security?

Cyber ​​threats are one of the main problems facing businesses and also, individuals alike. And cybersecurity deals with defending networks, systems, and applications against these threats. But it is important to note that cyber security is not the same as data protection.

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Acronis Cyber ​​Protect

A unique solution that integrates backup with next-generation AI-based antimalware and also, protection management. Integrating multiple protection technologies increases reliability and reduces the time required to learn, implement, and keep new capabilities. With Acronis Cyber ​​Protect, users enjoy complete cyber defence against modern threats.

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Computer security, cybersecurity or information technology security means the protection of the hardware, software and electronic data of computer systems and networks from danger.