SEO is the set of techniques that seek to improved website ranking and improve its position in the results of Google and other search engines.

Through SEO techniques, you can improve the visibility of a blog or site and achieve good positioning in the search engines of the network and, with it, obtain prominence and visibility for a business.

Internal links are one of the superessential SEO techniques to achieve web positioning (but often forgotten). It is through internal links that good link-building begins.

What are Internal Links?

Internal (or internal) links go from one page to another within the same domain. This type of link is usually used on pages where access to content may be difficult due to the large size of the text.

Imagine, for sample, that you have a blog on image consulting that offers readers guidance, information, and teachings on how to form/build an adequate personal image, improved and that provide high personal security.

Many of your posts will be prominent and likely supplements or previous reference posts. Internal links are the tool that allows the reader to read more of your blog posts that are related to what they are reading at the moment.

However, it is essential to remember that internal links must follow logic and a strategy. For this reason, we suggest that a sound system is to prepare a network of relations between different contents of your domain (site, blog, etc.) to facilitate the work of search engines and, consequently, improve your positioning.

But Why are Internal Links Important?

Internal links are important for 2 main reasons:content

  • They make it possible for the reader to stay longer in your domain.
  • It facilitates the three phases of the work of Googlebot (Google’s web crawling robot).

These three phases consist of:


It is the phase of crawling new  by Google. Google can better track new content through internal links because once linked, Googlebot is better.


it is the indexing phase, placing the contents within a Google ranking. Internal links allow better and more accurate indexing of content.


is the phase of positioning itself. If the two previous steps are carried out correctly, Google’s tracking of our content (the position they occupy once within its results index) is facilitated.

Internal links help show Google signs of a domain’s authority.

Types of Internal Links

Types of Internal Links

Knowing the types of internal links allows you to draw up a good SEO strategy. Links are ranked according to how easy it is for users to access them on a specific page.

Thus, there  are five main types of internal links :

Product to Product Link

Make sure your product/service pages are linked to each other if they are related. For example, if you’re selling something in two different styles or for two different prices. Make sure your pages reference each other.

You can also think of this similarly for similar pages, such as content. For example, if you have a blog, use a plugin to put “related articles” at the bottom of each blog page.

Link from Product Pages to Category Pages

Linking your product pages to category pages so people can go back to where they started is super important.

Breadcrumbs, which are navigation tracks on your site, are a great way to link product pages to category pages. The Breadcrumb NavXT plugin helps create these navigation tracks.

Link from Category Pages to Other Categories

Linking from one category page to another is a great way to keep your site easy to navigate and improve your SEO.

Category pages have better SEO than your product pages because they should be the easiest to find. Therefore, you should include internal links with the correct keywords in the anchor text  (part of the text that is used to make a hyperlink).

Linking Blog Content to Categories and Products

Every time you post a blog or content on your website, see if a product page or category is relevant and link to it within the range. Companies tend to forget about this because they focus on linking content to content, but you can’t forget about their category and product pages!

Link from Blog Content to Blog Content

It is the primary internal link that we are used to using. The more you write content, the more pages you have to work with regarding internal linking, so you’ll start to find that you can always reference “learn more here” in other content. It is the most accessible type of internal link and one that Google appreciates.

Internal links are countless tools to complement your SEO strategy. It’s a good idea to go through all of your pages and focus on the content and internal links you’ve made and the types of internal links you might be using.


Rankings in SEO refer to a website’s position on the search engine results page. Various ranking factors affect whether a website appears upper on the SERP based on the content relevance to the search. Term or the quality of backlinks pointing to the page.